1. User Manual
1.1. Introduction
This user manual will help you understand kafka Cost Control and how to use it propertly. This document assumes that you already have a running application. If not please see the Installation section.
At this point you should have access to the Kafka Cost Control UI and to the Grafana Dashboard.
1.1.1. Graphql
Kafka cost control provides a graphql endpoint at: <your-host>/graphql-ui
In addition, there is a ready to use GraphQL UI. You can access it by going to the following URL: <your-host>/graphql-ui
1.1.2. Authorization
TODO explain basic auth stuff TODO explain the localstorage trick
1.2. Config samples
If you want to quickly get started, you can create pricing rules and context data using the config sample folder. All you need is node JS 20+.
Be sure to edit the files pricing-rules.json
and context-data.json
to match your environment.
To persist the configuration you can use the following command:
node index.js --url=https://<your-host>/graphql --user=admin --password=your-password
If you have issues you can try to add the --verbose
options. This will display all the requests.
1.3. Configuring your cost control application
Your cost control instance can be configured either by setting environment variables,
or (if you are using one of the provided container images) by mounting an application.properties
file at
# inside your application.properties
1.3.1. Configuring aggregation types
In cost control, each metric is associated with an aggregation type. The aggregation type determines how multiple measurements
within a time window are combined to produce a single value. Possible aggregation types are SUM
and MAX
If no aggregation type is specified for a metric, then SUM
will be used.
To specify an aggregation type for a metric, add a line to your application.properties
file like this:
# inside your application.properties
For example, to aggregate retained byte measurements using the MAX
aggregation type, add the following line to your application.properties
Note that these settings may only be set in an application.properties
file, and not via environment variables.
This is due to the fact that Quarkus cannot unambiguously map environment variable names to property names if said
property names contain user-defined parts (like confluent_kafka_server_retained_bytes
in the example above).
For more information, see the relevant section of the Quarkus documentation.
1.3.2. Configuring transformations
Currently, there is one kind of transformation that can be added to the metrics processing pipeline: splitTopicMetricAmongPrincipals
This transformation is configured by supplying a map of metric names to context keys in application.properties. For example:
This will expect bytesin
metrics to have a writers
key in their context, which should be a comma-separated list of principals (e.g. applications, teams, …)
that can write to this topic. When a bytesin
metric for any topic is encountered, the metric will be replaced with n
metrics (where n
is the length of the writers
in that metric’s context). The name of the topic will be moved into that metric’s context under the topic
key and the name of a principal from the writers
list will move into the metric’s name
field. The value of each generated metric will be the value of the original metric divided by n
In effect this takes a single metric that says "90 kb have been written to topic ABC by writers X,Y,Z" and transforms it into 3 metrics:
Principal X wrote 30 kb to topic ABC
Principal Y wrote 30 kb to topic ABC
Principal Z wrote 30 kb to topic ABC
The advantage over the original metric is that each such transformed metric will be put into its own database row, which will make it easier to aggregate by principal (e.g. answer questions like "how much did principal X produce in the past month"). This type of transformation is especially relevant when doing cost control based on vanilla Kafka broker metrics (as is the case in Strimzi deployments, for example), because here only topic-level metrics are generated natively. This transformation allows to turn these topic-focused metrics into principal-focused ones.
1.4. Pricing rules
Pricing rules are a way to put a price on each metric. The price will be applied on the hourly aggregate. Also, it’s common for metrics to be in bytes and not Megabyte or Gigabyte. Keep that in mind when setting the price. For example, if you want to have a price of 1.0$ per GB you will need to set the price to 1.0/10243 = 0.000976276$ per byte.
Pricing rules are stored in kafka in a compacted topic. The key should be the metric name.
1.4.1. Listing pricing rules
From the UI
Simply go to the pricing rules tab of the UI. You should see the metric name and it’s cost.
Using Graphql
query getAllRules {
pricingRules {
1.4.2. Setting a pricing rule
From the UI
Not available yet.
Using Graphql
mutation saveRule {
request: {metricName: "whatever", baseCost: 0.12, costFactor: 0.0001}
) {
1.4.3. Removing a pricing rule
From the UI
Not available yet.
Using Graphql
mutation deleteRule {
deletePricingRule(request: {metricName: "whatever"}) {
1.5. Context data
Context data are a way to attach a context (attributes basically) to a kafka item (topic, principal, …). Basically define a set of key/values for an item that match a regex. It is possible that one item match multiple regex (and thus multiple context), but in this case you have to be careful to not have conflicting key/values.
You can have as much key/values as you want. They will be used to sum up prices in the dashboard. It is therefor important that you have at least one key/value that defined the cost unit or organization unit. For example: organzation_unit=department1
The context data are stored in kafka in a compacted topic. The key is free for the user to choose.
1.5.1. Listing existing context data
From the UI
Simply go to the context tab of the UI. You should see all the context with their type, regex, validity time and key/values.
Using Graphql
query getContextData {
contextData {
context {
1.5.2. Setting context data
If you want to create a new context, you can omit the id if you want. If no id is set, the API will generate one for you using a UUID. If you use an id that is not yet in the system, this means you’re creating a new context item.
From the UI
Not available yet.
Using Graphql
mutation saveContextData {
request: {id: "323b603d-5b5f-48d2-84fc-4e784e942289", entityType: TOPIC, regex: ".*collaboration", context: [{key: "app", value: "agoora"}, {key: "cost-unit", value: "spoud"}, {key: "domain", value: "collaboration"}]}
) {
context {
1.5.3. Removing context data
From the UI
Not available yet.
Using Graphql
mutation deleteContextData {
deleteContextData(request: {id: "323b603d-5b5f-48d2-84fc-4e784e942289"}) {
context {
1.6. Reprocess
Reprocessing should only be used when you made a mistake, fixed it and want to reprocess the raw data. Reprocessing will induce a lag, meaning data will not be live for a little while. Depending on how much data you want to reprocess this can take minutes or hours. So be sure to know what you are doing. After the reprocessing is done, the data will be live again. Reprocessing will NOT lose data. They will just take a bit of time to appear live again.
Be aware that in the reprocessing action may take a while to complete (usually about 1 min). This is why you should be patient with the request.
The process is as follows:
use request reprocessing
KafkaCostControl MetricProcess kafka stream application will stop
Wait for all consumers to stop and for kafka to release the consumer group (this may take time)
KafkaCostControl will look for the offset of the timestamp requested for the reprocessing (if not timestamp requested, it will just see to zero)
KafkaCostControl will self-destruct in order for kubernetes to restart it (you may see a restart count increasing)
KafkaCostControl kafka stream application will resume from the offset defined by the timestamp you gave
The metric database should be independent. This means it should be able to accept updates. Otherwise, you will need to clean the database yourself before a reprocessing.
1.6.1. Using the UI
Go to the Others tab.
Choose a date for the start time of the reprocessing (empty means from the beginning of time). You can help yourself with the quick button on top.
Click on reprocess
Confirm the reprocessing
Using Graphql
mutation reprocess {
reprocess(areYouSure: "no", startTime:"2024-01-01T00:00:00Z")
2. Installation
2.1. Prerequisites
This installation manual assumes that
You have a kafka cluster
You have a schema registry
You have a kubernetes clusters
2.2. Topics and AVRO schemas
Kafka cost control uses internal topic to compute pricing. You will have to create those topic before deploying the application. The documentation will show the default names, you can change them but don’t forget to adapt the aggregator configuration.
2.2.1. Reference AVRO schemas
Some schemas will reference EntityType. Please add it to your schema registry and reference it when needed.
2.2.2. Topics
Topic name | Clean up policy | Key | Value |
context-data |
compact |
String |
pricing-rules |
compact |
String |
aggregated |
delete |
aggregated-table-friendly |
delete |
metrics-raw-telegraf-dev |
delete |
None |
String |
Context data
This topic will contain the additional information you wish to attach to the metrics. SEE TODO for more information. This topic is compacted and it is important that you take care of the key yourself. If you wish to delete a context-data you can set null as payload (and provide the key you want to delete).
Pricing rule
This topic will contain the price of each metric. Be aware that most of the metric will be in bytes. So if you want for example to have a price of 1.0$ per GB you will need to set the price to 1.0/10243 = 0.000976276$ per byte. The key should be the metric name. If you wish to remove a price value, send the payload null with the key you want to delete. See TODO on how to use the API or the UI to set the price.
This topic will contain the enriched data. This is the result topic of the aggregator.
Aggregated table friendly
This is the exact same thing as aggregated except there are no hashmap and other nested field. Everything has be flattened. This topic make it easy to use Kafka Connect with a table database.
Metrics raw telegraf
You can have multiple raw topics. For example one per environment or one per kafka cluster. The topic name is up to you, just don’t forget to configure it properly when you deploy telegraf (see Kubernetes section).
Give some special consideration to the retention.ms
setting for the raw metrics topics. For example, if you want to distribute the cost of your monthly bill based on the raw metrics scraped over the course of the
month then it is a good idea to retain the scraped data for more than 30 days. This gives people time to ask questions about their bill and also gives the opportunity to reprocess the metrics with new pricing rules/contexts
if needed.
2.3. Kubernetes
You can find all the deployment files in the deployment folder. This folder use Kustomize to simplify the deployment of multiple instances with some variations.
The kubernetes deployment is in two parts. One part is the kafka control software (processing, ui, dashboard, etc.) and the other part is the kafka metric scrapper. You may have multiple kafka metric scrapper deployment (one per kafka cluster for example), but you should need only one kafka cost control deployment.
2.3.1. Kafka metric scrapper
This part will be responsible to scrape kafka for relevant metrics. Depending on what metrics you want to provide you will need a user with read access to kafka metric but also kafka admin client. Read permission is enough ! You don’t need a user with write permission.
This documentation will assume that you use the dev/
folder, but you can configure as much Kustomize folders as you want. The dev/
folder is a good starting point if you have confluent cluster running.
Copy the environment sample file:
cd deployment/kafka-metric-scrapper/dev
cp .env.sample .env
vi .env
Edit the environment file with the correct output topic, endpoints and credentials.
Be sure to edit the namespace in the kustomization.yaml file.
Deploy the dev environment using kubectl
cd /deployment/kafka-metric-scrapper
kubectl apply -k dev
Wait for the deployment to finish and check the output topic for metrics. You should receive new data every minute.
2.3.2. Kafka cost control
For this part we will deploy the kafka stream application that is responsible to enrich the metrics, TimescaleDB for storing the metrics, kafka connect instance to sink the metric into the database, a grafana dashboard and a simple UI to define prices and contexts.
This documentation will assume that you use the dev/
folder, but you can configure as much Kustomize folders as you want.
Copy the environment sample file:
cd deployment/kafka-cost-control/app
cp .env.sample .env
vi .env
Edit the environment file with the correct credentials. The database password can be randomly generated. It will be used by kafka connect and grafana.
Be sure to edit the namespace in the kustomization.yaml file.
You also may want to adapt the ingress files to use a proper hosts. You will need two hosts, one for grafana and one for the kafka cost control application.
Deploy the application using kubectl
cd /deployment/kafka-metric-scrapper
kubectl apply -k app
2.4. Metric database
In order to store the metrics, we recommend using a timeserie database. Feel free to chose one that suits your needs. Be careful to chose one that is compatible with Kafka connect so you can easily transfer metrics from kafka to your database. In this example we will assume that you’re using TimescaleDB because it’s the one we provide kubernetes manifest for.
2.4.1. Database Schema
Feel free to adapt the partition size to fit your needs. In this example we put 7 days but please follow the TimescaleDB documentation to choose the right partition size for your use case. We recommend a value between 7 days and 1 month. Note that the Helm and Kustomize templates already execute this script when the database is created.
CREATE TABLE "kafka_aggregated-table-friendly"
"entityType" VARCHAR NOT NULL,
"initialMetricName" VARCHAR NOT NULL,
"context" JSONB NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("startTime", "endTime", "entityType", "initialMetricName", "name")
SELECT create_hypertable('kafka_aggregated-table-friendly', by_range('startTime', INTERVAL '7 day'));
To prevent the database from being overwhelmed by the amount of data, we recommend creating a retention policy. In this example we will keep the data for 2 years:
SELECT add_retention_policy('kafka_aggregated-table-friendly', INTERVAL '2 years');
if you want to run the scripts above manually, you can use the interactive cli.
kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> timescaledb-0 -- psql -U postgres -d postgres
2.5. Kafka connect
To write data from the kafka metric topic to the timeserie database we will use Kafka Connect.
Please refer to the kubenertes manifest to deploy a kafka connect cluster.
2.5.1. Configuration of the connectors
Don’t forget to adapt the hosts, users and password
"name": "kafka-cost-control-aggregated",
"config": {
"tasks.max": "1",
"topics": "aggregated-table-friendly",
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector",
"connection.url": "jdbc:postgresql://timescaledb-service:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable",
"connection.user": "postgres",
"connection.password": "password",
"insert.mode": "upsert",
"auto.create": "false",
"table.name.format": "kafka_${topic}",
"pk.mode": "record_value",
"pk.fields": "startTime,endTime,entityType,initialMetricName,name",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter",
"value.converter": "io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter",
"value.converter.schema.registry.url": "https://schema-registry-host",
"value.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source": "USER_INFO",
"value.converter.basic.auth.user.info": "schema-registry-user:schema-registry-password",
"transforms": "flatten",
"transforms.flatten.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.Flatten$Value",
"transforms.flatten.delimiter": "_"
To configure the connector, you can simply create a kubernetes tunnel to the running kafka connect service.
kubectl -n <namespace> port-forward service/kafka-connect-service 8083:8083
Then in another terminal you can use the curl command to create the connector. Don’t forget to edit the different users and passwords required (kafka, schema registry and database)
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @kafka-connect-config.json http://localhost:8083/connectors
You can check the status of the connectors with the following command:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8083/connectors/kafka-cost-control-aggregated/status | jq .
The status should be running
2.6. Grafana
Go to your grafana dashboard (you should have configured the host in the deployment). The default credentials are admin:admin
. You will be asked to create a new password.
2.6.1. Database connection
Go to the administration page and search for the plugin called PostgreSQL
. It should normally be already installed, if not install it. You can then click on add new data source
Field | Value | Info |
Name |
grafana-postgresql-datasource |
should be the default |
Host URL |
timescaledb-service:5432 |
Kubernetes service for the database |
Database Name |
postgres |
this is the default if you didn’t change it |
Username |
postgres |
this is the default if you didn’t change it |
Password |
postgres |
this is the password you created in the |
TLS/SSL Mode |
disabled |
unless you configured it |
TimescaleDB |
on |
this will improve performance |
You can keep the rest of the value as default.
TODO import dashboard
2.7. Troubleshooting
2.7.1. Kafka cost control is never ready
If the kafka-cost-control pod is never ready there are good chances that it is waiting on a topic before it can start. If you look closely in the log you will see a message like this:
2024-02-06 15:46:34,739 WARN [io.qua.kaf.str.run.KafkaStreamsProducer] (pool-5-thread-1) Waiting for topic(s) to be created: [non-existing-topic]
As soon as you create the missing topic(s), you should be good to go. Look again at the Topics section for more information on how to create a topic.
3. Architecture
3.1. Introduction and Goals
Many organizations have introduced Kafka either on premise or in the cloud in recent years.
Kafka platforms are often used as a shared service for multiple teams.
Having all costs centralized in a single cost center means that there is no incentive to save costs for individual users or projects.
Kafka Cost Control gives organizations transparency into the costs caused by applications and allow to distribute platform costs in a fair way to its users by providing a solution that
shows usage statistics per application and organizational unit
allows defining rules for platform cost distribution over organizational units or applications
works for most organizations, no matter if they use Confluent Cloud, Kubernetes or on-prem installations
3.1.1. Requirements Overview
Collection and aggregation of usage metrics and statistics from one or multiple Kafka clusters. Aggregation by time:
hourly (for debugging or as a metric to understand costs in near real-time)
Management of associations between client applications, projects and organizational units (OU)
automatic recognition of running consumer groups
automatic detection of principals/clients
creation, modification and deletion of contexts (projects and OUs)
interface to hook in custom logic for automatic assignment of clients to projects and OUs
manual assignment of auto-detected principals or consumer groups to projects and OUs
context can change in time, each item should have a start and end date (optional). This means that an item (ex a topic) can switch ownership at any point in time
Visualization of usage statistics
Costs and usage statistics can be broken down interactively
Summary view: total costs for timespan (day, week, month) per OU
Detail View OU by category: costs by category (produce, consume, storage) for the selected OU in the selected timespan
Detail View OU by application/principal/consumer-group/topic
Data must be made available in a format that can be used to display it with standard software (e.g. Kibana, Grafana, PowerBI), so that organizations can integrate it into an existing application landscape
provisioning of a lightweight default dashboard e.g. as a simple SPA, so that extra tooling is not mandatory to view the cost breakdown
Items not yet classified should be easily identifiable, so we know what configuration is missing (for example a topic has no OU yet)
Management of rules, that describe how costs are calculated (aka pricing rules)
Management of rules, that describe how costs are calculated, e.g.
fixed rates for available metrics, i.e. CHF 0.15 per consumed GB
base charge, i.e. CHF 0.5 per principal per hour
rules can be changed at any time, but take effect at a specified start time
optional: backtesting of rules using historical data
Access Control
only authorized users can modify rules, OUs and projects
unauthenticated users should be able to see statistics
expose metrics so that the cost control app can be monitored
proper logging
Export of end-of-month reports as CSV or Excel for further manual processing
Ability to reprocess raw data in case a mistake was made. For example we see at the end of the month that an item was wrongly attributed to an OU. We should be able to correct this and reprocess the data.
3.1.2. Quality Goals
Transferability / Extensibility: Kafka Cost Control should be modular, so that company-specific extensions can be added.
A core layer should contain common base functionality. Company specific terms or features should be separated into dedicated modules. -
Maintainability: Reacting to changing requirements and implementing bug fixes should be possible within weeks.
3.1.3. Stakeholders
Role/Name | Expectations |
Kafka user |
Should be able to see their usage. Should take ownership of resources. |
Management |
Should have an overview of the costs and usage of Kafka. |
3.2. Architecture Constraints
Constraint | Explanation |
JVM based |
use common language at SPOUD and many clients to make sure many can contribute |
Hosting On-Site (not SaaS only) |
Companies may not want to expose usage data to a SaaS provider |
3.3. System Scope and Context
Kafka Cost Control is a standalone application that needs to integrate into an existing IT landscape.
3.4. Solution Strategy
3.4.1. Used Technologies
Technology | Reason |
Telegraf |
Kafka |
for storing metrics, context info and pricing rules, reduces number of solution dependencies |
Kafka Streams |
for enriching metrics and storing pricing + context data into KTables |
DataStore |
A datastore, e.g. a SQL DB, will be used for the time based aggregations (e.g. end of month reporting). Avoids complex calendar logic in Kafka Streams. |
3.4.2. Time based aggregations & scraping intervals
MetricsScraper should ingest metrics with an interval of 1 minute for confluent cloud metrics. Other data sources can have longer intervals.
MetricsProcessor aggregates metrics with short time windows of 60 minutes
variable cost is usually defined as cost unit/minute
The window value is the accumulated cost for one hour (interpolation may be needed when data points are missing)
this allows some tolerance for gaps in metrics and varying ingestion intervals
3.5. Building Block View
3.5.1. Whitebox Overall System
Building block | Description |
PricingRules |
Stores rules for turning usage information into costs |
ContextProvider |
Manages contextual information that can be used to enrich metrics with company-specific information. E.g. relations between clientIds, applications, projects, cost centers, … |
MetricProcessor |
MetricsScraper |
3.5.2. MetricsScraper
Confluent Cloud
Confluent exposes many metrics in prometheus format. These will be scraped with telegraf. Some information are missing from the prometheus export endpoint and need to be fetched with custom queries/requests. This is done with a java application which exposes them as prometheus endpoint. Docs: https://docs.confluent.io/cloud/current/monitoring/metrics-api.html
Additional metric |
endpoint/query |
Partition count of a topic |
registered schemas for a topic |
http requests to schema registry needed.
1. |
3.5.3. PricingRules
3.5.4. ContextProvider
Context format
metrics are defined in the core
a metric belongs to at least one of the dimensions
consumer group
a context object can be attached to existing dimensions as a AVRO key-value pair to provide the needed flexibility
"creationTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"validFrom": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"validUntil": null,
"entityType": "TOPIC",
"regex": "car-claims",
"context": {
"project": "claims-processing",
"organization_unit": "non-life-insurance",
"sap_psp_element": "1234.234.abc"
"creationTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"validFrom": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"validUntil": null,
"entityType": "TOPIC",
"regex": "^([a-z0-9-]+)\\.([a-z0-9-]+)\\.([a-z0-9-]+)-.*$",
"context": {
"tenant": "$1",
"app_id": "$2",
"component_id": "$3"
If naming conventions are very clear they could also be provided as a file / configuration.
"creationTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"validFrom": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"validUntil": null,
"entityType": "PRINCIPAL",
"regex": "u-4j9my2",
"context": {
"project": "claims-processing",
"organization_unit": "non-life-insurance",
"sap_psp_element": "1234.234.abc"
Context objects will be started as AVRO messages. We use JSON as a representation here for simplicity.
Context Lookup
State stores in Kafka Streams will be used to construct lookup tables for the context.
The key is a string and is a free value that can be set by the user. If no key is provided the API should create random unique key. The topic is compacted, meaning if we want to delete an item we can send a null payload with its key.
Key | Value |
<type>_<cluster-id>_<principal_id> |
<context-object> |
PRINCIPAL_lx1dfsg_u-4j9my2_2024-01-01 |
{…, "regex": "u-4j9my2","context": {…}} |
b0bd9c9a-08e6-46c7-9f71-9eafe370da6c |
<context-object> |
Once the table has been loaded, aggregated metrics can be enriched with a KTable - Streams join.
3.6. Runtime View
3.6.1. Metrics Ingestion from Confluent Cloud
Process to gather and aggregate metrics from Confluent Cloud.
The Confluent Metrics Scraper calls the endpoint
with Basic Auth in an interval of 1 Minute to obtain all metrics in Prometheus format.
Telegraf is used to poll data using Confluent prometheus endpoint.
3.6.2. Metrics using Kafka Admin API
Some information can be gathered from the Kafka Admin API. We will develop a simple application that connect to the Kafka Admin API and expose metrics as prometheus endpoint. We can then reuse Telegraf to publish those metrics to kafka.
3.6.3. Other sources of metrics
Anyone can publish to the raw metrics topic. The metrics should follow the telegraf format. Recommendation: use one topic per source of metrics. The MetricEnricher application will anyway consume multiple raw metric topics.
3.6.4. Metrics Enrichment
Metrics are consumed from all the raw data topics.
Metrics are aggregated by the MetricsProcessor. Here we:
aggregate by hours
attach context
attach pricing rule
The aggregates are stored in the
topic. -
The aggregated metrics are stored into the query database.
The storage procedure into the query database must be idempotent in order to reprocess the enrichment in case of reprocessing.
Enrichment for topics
"fields": {
"gauge": 40920
"name": "confluent_kafka_server_sent_bytes",
"tags": {
"env": "sdm",
"host": "confluent.cloud",
"kafka_id": "lkc-x5zqx",
"topic": "mobiliar-agoora-state-global",
"url": "https://api.telemetry.confluent.cloud/v2/metrics/cloud/export?resource.kafka.id=lkc-x5zqx"
"timestamp": 1704805140
Enrichment for principals
"fields": {
"gauge": 0
"name": "confluent_kafka_server_request_bytes",
"tags": {
"env": "sdm",
"host": "confluent.cloud",
"kafka_id": "lkc-x5zqx",
"principal_id": "u-4j9my2",
"type": "ApiVersions",
"url": "https://api.telemetry.confluent.cloud/v2/metrics/cloud/export?resource.kafka.id=lkc-x5zqx"
"timestamp": 1704805200
3.6.5. Metrics Grouping
confluent_kafka_server_request_bytes by kafka_id (Cluster) and principal_id (User) for the type Produce as sum stored in produced_bytes
confluent_kafka_server_response_bytes by kafka_id (Cluster) and principal_id (User) for the type Fetch as sum stored in fetched_bytes
confluent_kafka_server_retained_bytes by kafka_id (Cluster) and topic as min and max stored in retained_bytes_min and retained_bytes_max
confluent_kafka_server_consumer_lag_offsets by kafka_id (Cluster) and topic as list of consumer_group_id stored in consumergroups
maybe more are possible.
3.7. Deployment View
3.8. Risks and Technical Debts
Difficulty to get context data
Will the customer be willing to make the effort to provide the necessary data?
Difficulty to put a set price on each kafka item
How to integrate general cost like operation, etc. (not linked to a particular kafka item)
Difficulty of integration with companies cost dashboard
3.9. Glossary
Term | Definition |
OU |
Organization Unit |